Blue Huna
User experience, Digital, Development

Blue Huna is a company that believes small changes can make a big impact.

Motivated to protect our waters from the plastic pandemic, they first tackled one of the most vicious single use plastic item – the plastic straw and cleverly replaced with the straw, made out of well, straw. Their approach was to motivate people through a colourful and fun attitude, showing us that caring for our world can be exciting as well

Blue-Huna, Crossing Parallels Studio
Blue Huna

Our mission was to create a website filled with that fresh excitement. We achieved this using bold shapes and spacious layouts to deliver the important information about their product and brand philosophy.

Blue-Huna, Crossing Parallels Studio
Blue-Huna, Crossing Parallels Studio
Maybe now’s the time to redesign your website. Add also an online shop? No worries, we can help.